Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Day 5- Rocky Mountain National Park and Wendy has to leave us!

This morning Jerry and Grandpa got up around 4:30 am... so early! They were gone the entire day.

Wendy and I got the kids up, fed, bathed and we took them to the Rocky Mountain National Park Welcome Center to learn about the Mountains and everything that lives in them. We watched a ranger led program called "skins and things" and learned that Beavers have natural ear plugs and nose plugs and also a flap
of skin that allows them to carry a stick under the water
without swallowing a whole bunch of water. We got to touch a
beaver tail and beaver teeth, Moose antler, Sheep horn, Elk Antlers, and lots of different furs.

We also learned about Elk. Josie was pretty disgusted to learn that Bull Elk urinate on themselves to attract the girls. (we had to tell her what urine was) She asked me later why they don't have perfume. Buddy got a bit antsy at the end, as the presentation wasn't really geared at small children, but all in all he did good. We sat through a 25 minute movie about the Rocky Mountains.

Wendy had to leave us shortly after lunch to make the drive home. So sad- she offered to quit her job and stay with us all week. We would have taken her up on the offer, but I wonder how long it would take for my children to drive her bonkers!!! hahahahah!!

We spent the rest of the day playing outside and working on Josie and Buddy's Junior Ranger Badges. They have little packets they have to complete. Basically, they learn (or you read to them) about the wildlife, plants, etc in the park and keeping it clean, etc. I'm sitting on the front porch right now watching Josie and Buddy playing in the yard as I write this. The setting is so incredible- I cant help but think.. why would anyone not love it here? Modern Convenience (shower, tv, wireless internet, etc) mixed with rustic "in the middle of nowhere" feel. As my niece Journey used to say "don't you just love it?"

We stayed up late watching movie's waiting for Dad and Grandpa to get back. Josie fell asleep just before they got in at 10. They both looked disappointed- Grandpa said they didn't see a thing and will try somewhere else tomorrow. The only places we've seen elk so far are the park and right next to the cabin! Last night Jerry, Wendy and Grandpa were outside roasting marshmallows and they heard snorting and looked up to see to cow elk chasing each other around next to the cabin!

Well.. the days are about to get pretty long I suspect. Jerry and Grandpa will be gone from before sunup to after sun down so lets all cross our fingers that they get their elk soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are having fun. Be careful you don't lose grandpa. He is old and could wonder off.
Blog asks if you want to proceed but works just fine.
Have fun.