Jerry was lucky enough to get to sleep next to Josie last night. She's the one we try to avoid sleeping next to. She grindes her teeth, snaps her teeth shut (I swear it sounds like she is gonna bite you!) and then cuddles the entire time (ok.. its nice to cuddle with her, but really does anyone like to cuddle all night?) she's so funny!
We had Stumpy the cat try to come with us. He slept under our camper. He's missing a tail and is super friendly- he helped us eat our pizza last night. Tempting to bring him along!
We made it to the Mountains in Colorado and the kids were posted at the windows. They sat and watched and thought they were very cool. We drove through Rocky Mountain National Park. We stopped to watch several elk, the older kids were so impressed! I think Josie got a tad of altitute sickness. She got a headache once we reached 10,000 feet and was asleep by the time we hit the highest point. Had me worried because I guess it can cause unconciousness but as soon as we came down from the mountains she was better.
Buddy made a chipmunk friend and Gunner thought about eating a bird. The bird was sitting on a sign and Gunner kept reaching out trying to grab him. The bird never moved. Buddy has no concept of how FAR you will fall if you climb on the wall and fall over. He has no fear. I may have a heart attack if we go into the Mountains to much while we are here!
Grandpa slept next to Buddy. He's the kid you want to pick to sleep next to. He doesnt make any noise. Doesnt snore. I slept next to Gunner. The beds are Full size at most and two adults dont really have enough room to be completly comfortable.
We had Stumpy the cat try to come with us. He slept under our camper. He's missing a tail and is super friendly- he helped us eat our pizza last night. Tempting to bring him along!
Buddy was holding Gunners Stuffed Elephand and asked if he could make a hole in it and put peanuts in it. I laughed and told him to ask his Dad. Jerry asked why? and Buddy (with a look on his face only a child can make that says- "You're the grown-up but completly stupid") says "because Elephants eat Peanuts!"
We stopped at Cabela's in Sidney, Nebraska. The kids loved it! The animals on the Mountain. Josie knows the difference between Elk, White tailed Deer and Moose. She can even make the same sound a bull elk does. Very Cool.
We made it to the Mountains in Colorado and the kids were posted at the windows. They sat and watched and thought they were very cool. We drove through Rocky Mountain National Park. We stopped to watch several elk, the older kids were so impressed! I think Josie got a tad of altitute sickness. She got a headache once we reached 10,000 feet and was asleep by the time we hit the highest point. Had me worried because I guess it can cause unconciousness but as soon as we came down from the mountains she was better.
Buddy made a chipmunk friend and Gunner thought about eating a bird. The bird was sitting on a sign and Gunner kept reaching out trying to grab him. The bird never moved. Buddy has no concept of how FAR you will fall if you climb on the wall and fall over. He has no fear. I may have a heart attack if we go into the Mountains to much while we are here!
Our Campground in Colorado is AWESOME! its barely a mile from the south west entrance of Rocky Mountain National Park and JUST beautiful! There are horses, hayrides, chicken, a playground, and more. I'll blog more about it tomorow!
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