Monday, September 15, 2008

Day 10, 11 and 12- Grand Teton and Yellowstone

We're in Cody, WY tonight. Home of Buffalo Bill. We've spent the last three days in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. I think we could have spent a week there easy! Buddy and Josie are now Junior Rangers for these parks as well. Gunner has had a cold and teething - his poor chin is so chapped from all the drool and being outside so much! Poor guy! He is a sweet baby. He doesnt smile at strangers usually. Josie and Buddy asked why people always come up and say Hi to him. I told them its just something about baby's -- they do the same thing when they see a baby. One Grandma type lady came up and said Hi to Gunner and she is the only stranger who got a huge smile. Baby's can just tell Grandma's and Grandpa's! Its Movie Time so I dont have time to write much more! We may not have internet access the next few days... I'll write more when I can. We are headed to South Dakota and are planning on staying on a Air Force Base Campgrounds near Mount Rushmore.



Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys are all having a great time. Roast a marshmallow for Austin. He has been asking why Josie cant come to his school and be in his class, he said none of the girls in his class are as pretty as her. I have to warn you, you have a heart breaker on your hands with that one.

Uncle Buck said...

What the HEY, He smiles for me and then 2 mins later when i look him cries. oh by the way, big jerry makes me look anorexic. tell the old boy Hello for me...

Uncle Buck